The Daycare Garden & Farm

We encourage the children to help tend our garden for educational purposes. We use the food from the garden and fruit trees to feed the children.  We have several acres with a small herd of sheep and chickens.


My home day care / preschool is operated on 3.5 acres of land. My husband and I grow vegetables and fruit which is used to feed the children.  As part of the growth and development of your child.  They will participate in tending the garden.  Small tasks like watering the tomatoes, for example.  This is to teach the children about where food comes from.

In our garden we grow tomatoes, salad, radishes, strawberries, broccoli, cauliflower, black berries. We have a variety of fruit trees apple, peach, nectarine, plum, persimmon, orange.

We have free range chickens, and use the eggs from the hens to feed the kids.

Additionally, we have a flock of sheep on our property.

contact us

1090 W. Edmundson Ave
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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